About Us

Camping can be an amazing experience, but it takes some planning and research to make the most out of your trip. I created this site so you could learn what works for me. There are three parts: My story about how camping changed my life, helpful tips on everything from tent pitching procedure (with visuals) all way down through campfire lighting techniques I even include a survival guide if we happen upon ourselves in Wild Kingdom.

DailyCampingnews is a blog that covers everything you need to know about camping. From the best methods for caravans and tents, as well as tips on how campers can make their experience more enjoyable with family or pets in tow; we have got it covered.

How Safe Is Camping In a Tent?

Anthony Paton

Anthony Paton, the founder of Daily Camping News has always loved spending time in nature. He spends his days working as a mechanical project engineer but when he is not at work or sleeping (or both), you can find him out on the trail with just enough room for one more tent and all its contents.

When he’s not working on Daily Camping News, Anthony divides his time between London and the country. He loves camping in Oxfordshire where you can pitch your tent near streams or by quiet riversides close to towns like Wargrave Sands. He started this blog as a way of reconnecting with nature when couldn’t get away from hustle bustling city life.